Face the Truth Life is full of defining moments. Like landmarks on a road map, these moments mark key points along your life’s journey. A defining moment happens when you come face-to-face with a truth that invites you to change the way you live. It demands that you make a decision. And regardless of the choice you make, you will never be the same. In this eight-part companion study guide to theDefining MomentsDVD, bestselling author Andy Stanley examines several such moments as depicted in the lives of people from Scripture—the kinds of moments many of us will experience in our lifetimes. And if you’re willing to look at truth honestly, these moments can change your life forever. Story Behind the Book While working to develop a series that would introduce people to a new mind-set about the way they live their lives, Andy Stanley discovered the influence that defining moments have. Now, after teaching this principle to his staff, church, and through the extended home study groups of North Point Community Church , this DVD and study guide material are releasing to a national audience through North Point’s relationship with Multnomah.
Why do these truths comfort you? Write these reasons in your journal. 3. The Western church loves private, personal stuff. We have personal Bible study, personal evangelism, and personal prayer— all designed to enhance our personal ...
This book delves into some fascinating mysteries of experience: Why we tend to remember the best or worst moment of an experience, as well as the last moment, and forget the rest.
... powerful rescuing grace—and you'll remember that he is with you and has been with you in every moment of your journey. Read this book, know yourself, know your spouse, know Jesus, and walk on together with renewed hope.” Paul Tripp ...
Join Max Lucado on a journey through the book of Esther as he reminds us that God need not be loud to be strong, he need not cast a shadow to be present...and he is active even when he appears distant.
When you can extract and apply insights and wisdom from the experiences of others, you are better equipped to handle your own defining moments in God-pleasing ways. The Bible is full of defining moments, both good and bad.
10 Clark, Lighting Fires, 52. See also Clark, There Is More!: The Secret to Experiencing God's Power, 31–32, and “Global Awakening History,” http: //globalawakening.com/home/about-global-awakening/history-of-globalawakening (accessed ...
These moments test a person’s commitment to those values and ultimately shape their character. But these are also the decisions that can make or break a career. Is there a thoughtful, yet pragmatic, way to make the right choice?
In this collection of thoughtful, provocative essays, Gregory charts the complex and often obscured history of the African American experience.
Loneliness and Aloneness Are Two Different Things “Remember: the time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. Life's cruelest irony.” -Douglas Coupland Have you ever had those moments when you felt lonely and cut ...
... Learn how to discern the truth and apply those “defining moments" in your life with this DVD and study guide. STUDY GUIDE 978-1-59052-464-0, $9.99 DVD 978-1-59052-465-7, $24.99 The Best Question EveR STUDY GUIDE & DVD Andy Stanley ...