This is your first and last stop for everything you need to know about winning the political game in the modern world of expensive, competitive campaigning.
In the book "How To Run For Local Office", you will learn insider tricks from twenty plus year political veteran, Michael Cole.
With infographics, profiles of women politicians, and wisdom and advice from women in office, this is a must-own for any woman thinking of joining the pink wave.
This book is written to guide every potential new politician down the path of filing for, gathering support, and running for local office, whether you are a lawman, judge, politician, or concerned parent.
... Barbara, 176n12 Government shutdown, 7–9, 11, 87, 105–106 Graham, Lindsey, 105 Gridlock, 4–5, 14, 23, 101, 129, 165n2 Griffin, John D., 183n39 Groeling, Tim, 167n14 Gronke, Paul, 166n8 Grose, Christian R., 183n39 Grover, Steven L., ...
It means you get to decide how to make a town, a state, or even the whole country a better place to live. But how does someone get elected? And what are the challenges of running for office? Read this book to find out.
The book discusses many unknown factors about running for public office and gives insight on such subjects as: Why do you want to run? Are you able to run for office? What office should you run for?
In the Universal Guide to Running For Office Park Cannon will guide politicians, future elected officials, and activists through the process of building, networking, and marketing yourself while running as you are. Featured in ...
... 105, 172, 173 Mendelberg, Tali, 54 Menendez, Robert, 51 Miller, Anita, 143 Miller, David C., 122 Miller, George, 14 Miller, Warren E., 61 Miller, Will, 10 Minta, Michael, 9 Mishler, William, 8 Molinari, Susan, 88 Moncrief, Gary P., ...
Running For Local Office For Dummies is your ticket to navigating every step on the road to winning that election.
This book helps readers: Learn the ins and outs of winning an election—from an author who’s done it!