Effective communication is a vital skill for everyone in business today. Great communicators have a distinct advantage in building influence and jumpstarting their careers. This practical guide offers readers a clear and comprehensive overview on how to communicate effectively for every business situation, from sensitive feedback to employees to persuasive communications for customers. It offers advice for improving writing skills, oral presentations, and one-on-one dealings with others. Contents include: Understanding the optimal "medium" to present information Learning the best timing to deliver a message Delivering an effective presentation Drafting proposals Writing effective e-mails Improving self-editing skills Plus, readers can access free interactive tools on the Harvard Business Essentials companion web site. Series Adviser: Mary Munter Professor Mary Munter has taught management communication for over twenty-five years, for seven years at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and since 1983 at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. Professor Munter is considered one of the leaders in the management communication field. Among her publications isGuide to Managerial Communication-recently published in its sixth edition and named "one of the five best business books" by the Wall Street Journal. She has also published many other articles and books and consulted with over ninety corporate and not-for-profit clients. Harvard Business Essentials The Reliable Source for Busy Managers The Harvard Business Essentials series is designed to provide comprehensive advice, personal coaching, background information, and guidance on the most relevant topics in business. Drawing on rich content from Harvard Business School Publishing and other sources, these concise guides are carefully crafted to provide a highly practical resource for readers with all levels of experience. To assure quality and accuracy, each volume is closely reviewed by a specialized content adviser from a world class business school. Whether you are a new manager interested in expanding your skills or an experienced executive looking for a personal resource, these solution-oriented books offer reliable answers at your fingertips.
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This book offers the tools and advice managers need to avoid common biases and arrive at and implement decisions that are both sound and ethical.
Research by David A.Thomas reveals that there are two different fast tracks: one for aspiring whites and an- other for aspiring minorities.The fast track for selected white em- ployees,according to Thomas,begins very early in their ...
When it comes to project management, success lies in the details. This book walks managers through every step of project oversight from start to finish.
This book walks managers through every step of project oversight from start to finish.
The big challenge, of course, is learning to say no to your boss when saying yes is much easier. Saying yes to the boss will make you look good in the short term. In the Harvey example, Marcy will think, “I can always count on Harvey to ...
Easy to use and nontechnical, this helpful guide gives managers the smart advice they need to increase their impact on financial planning, budgeting, and forecasting.
Highlighting the latest research on team development and dynamics--and including hands-on tools for improving communication, resolving conflicts, promoting interdependence, and more--this guide helps managers at all levels to motivate teams ...
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Covering everything from customer programs to ad campaigns to sales promotions, this is every marketer’s hands-on guide to turning opportunities into profits.