Journey Through the Workbook of A Course in Miracles: The Study and Practice of the 365 Lessons

Course in Miracles
Foundation for a Course in Miracles
Kenneth Wapnick


This eight-volume set is the end product of a series of classes I conducted at our Foundation's former location in New York. The classes consisted of a line-by-line analysis of the lessons, introductions, reviews, summaries, and the Epilogue. I have considerably enlarged some of the original discussion, supplying additional references to other relevant portions of the Course, the Preface, the two pamphlets, poems from The Gifts of God, and the prose poem "The Gifts of God." This work can thus be seen as a complete Course companion to accompany students on their own journey through the workbook.My purpose in presenting the classes originally, as it remains in this book, was to help students better understand the meaning of the lessons and their place in the curriculum of A Course in Miracles, and most of all, to help students see the importance of applying the daily lessons to their everyday lives. Without such application, the brilliance of Jesus' words is wasted, and they become simply a sterile system of intellectual teachings.This book can be read in at least three ways: 1) straight through, as one would do with the text; 2) different lessons at different times; or 3) one lesson at a time, as a companion to each lesson. I would urge students, however, if they are doing the workbook for the first time, to read the lessons as they are, without my commentary. In other words, as with all my other work on A Course in Miracles, this book is meant to supplement a student's experience of the workbook, not to substitute for the workbook as it was given to us.(Adapted from the Preface)

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