Egypt: Child of Atlantis: A Radical Interpretation of the Origins of Civilization

Egypt: Child of Atlantis: A Radical Interpretation of the Origins of Civilization
J. S. Gordon


Reveals that Egyptian civilization is far older than commonly believed and that its sacred science was the legacy of the gods who founded Atlantis • Explains the cosmological and astronomical underpinnings of Egyptian philosophy and how they gave structure to the entire society • Explores the importance of the Precession of the Equinoxes in the initiatory nature of Egyptian life This book asserts that the civilization of Egypt existed far longer than is commonly believed and was structured around forms of cosmic knowledge that involved astronomical and geographical competence that modern science has yet to attain. Building on evidence of the prehistoric existence of an ancient worldwide religious culture that extended all the way to Tibet and China, John Gordon traces the origins of Egyptian culture to the legendary lost continent of Atlantis. Based on an understanding of the Precession of the Equinoxes and its inextricable connection to human evolution and divine purpose, he concludes that the sacred science of the ancient Egyptians was the legacy left to them by “fallen star gods,” conscious divine beings who founded Atlantis. Egyptologists contend that ancient Egypt was a civilization obsessed with death, that its greatest monuments were tombs, and that its history dates back only some 5,000 years. In contrast Gordon suggests this civilization to have been 50,000 years older. Furthermore, he contends that Egypt was originally not a society obsessed with death, but one that saw in life and death an initiatory transition. This idea was followed by the entire population, which was attuned to the form and nature of cosmic evolution at all levels of being, from the highest to the most mundane.

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