• Bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow examines legendary cataclysms and shows how we are about to overcome the collective fear they have instilled in us. • The long-awaited follow-up that continues the revelations begun in The Pleiadian Agenda, which has sold more than 60,000 copies. • Explains why, contrary to many prophets of doom, we are actually on the cusp of an era of incredible creative growth. The recent discovery of the remains of ancient villages buried beneath the Black Sea is the latest instance of mounting evidence that many of the "mythic" catastrophes of history--the fall of Atlantis, the Biblical Flood--were actual events. In Catastrophobia Barbara Hand Clow shows that a series of cataclysmic disasters, caused by a massive disturbance in the Earth's crust 11,500 years ago, rocked the world and left humanity's collective psyche permanently scarred. We are a wounded species, and this unprocessed fear, passed from generation to generation, is responsible for our constant expectations of apocalypse, from Y2K to the famed end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. Catastrophobia reveals the insidious global forces that have used these collective fears to control humanity for thousands of years. But we are in the midst of a tremendous shift in the Earth's 26,000-year precessional cycle, and there is every indication that the changes in consciousness over the last 30 years are the beginnings of a collective healing from these deep fears, heralding a new age where we will see that the era of cataclysms is ending and a time of extraordinary creative activity is at hand.
Completing our conscious evolution by releasing our collective fear of catastrophes • Explains how we are on the cusp of an era of incredible creative growth • Shows how we are about to overcome the collective fear caused by ancient ...
Hoffman, Egypt Before the Pharaohs, 102. 15. Bauval and Brophy, Black Genesis, 87–89; Brophy, The Origin Map. West, Serpent in the Sky, 196–232. Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods, 396. 18. Hoffman, Egypt Before the Pharaohs, 102.
Wallace drew this line to separate Sulawesi (where Toraja is located) from Sundaland, the Indonesian continent, most of which went under the sea eight thousand years ago.
My ward tells me he believes it was Barbara Hand Clow who coined the word “catastrophobia” for the pathology. She, and others, have pointed out how broadly this collective phobia has influenced human behavior and is, perhaps, ...
Tracing the migrations of the Denisovans and their interbreeding with Neanderthals and early human populations in Asia, Europe, Australia, and the Americas, Andrew Collins and Greg Little explore how the new mental capabilities of the ...
Noted astrologer and spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow channels the voice of Satya, a Pleiadian goddess.
The Geiger counter measures this bizarre phenomenon by clicks. Paul Davies, About Time, 55–58. (I don't think we've even begun to imagine the bizarre affects of cosmic rays.) 23. João Magueijo and physicist Stephen Alexander considered ...
This was the disaster Plato recorded and which still reverberates to this day in the World Mind, contributing to one of the dominant collective pathologies of the current age: catastrophobia. I'm taking my lead here from observing Mein ...
Robinson, James M., ed. The Nag Hammadi Library. 3rd edition. Leiden, Netherlands: E. J. Brill, 1996. Róheim, Géza. ... Russell, James R. Zoroastrianism in Armenia. Cambridge, Mass. ... Schirmer, Wulf. “Some Aspects of Building at the ...
Travel through the fourth and fifth dimensions, from Atlantis to the Minoan culture in Crete; from a Paleolithic cave to sexual initiatic ceremonies at Avebury.