One of the most perplexing aspects of research today is what to do when there's too much information on a topic. The key, says Leslie Stebbins, is to know how to find the most promising information, evaluate it, and use it effectively. Individual chapters provide a step-by-step introduction to research and critical evaluation and specific types of information resources, as well as guidance on such skills as note-taking and referencing. Students and librarians alike will benefit from these suggestions, strategies and straightforward examples for developing good filtering instincts and management of search results.
21st century educational technology course design: A five-year research project. In D. Gibson & B. Dodge (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2010 (pp. 3279-3286).
Modern college undergraduates in America generally come to the classroom with no instruction at all in writing the traditional, lucid, formal essay. This small guide to college students will illustrate,...
73. Crotty, “A New Science Blogging Scandal.” 74. This list was adapted from Mary Purugganan and Jan Hewitt, “How to Read a Scientific Article,” Cain Project in Engineering and Professional Communication, Rice University, ...
Why Online Research is Important for StudentsIn today's digital age, the internet has become an indispensable tool for students.
Ensuring that all students achieve the same high standard of learning would be much easier if you could quickly and easily customize lesson plans and curriculum materials to each student's...
The book examines the underlying principles that guide effective teaching in an age when all of us, and in particular the students we are teaching, are using technology.
Dennis, Brian, Carl Smith, and Jonathan Smith. “Using Technology, Making History: A ... Estes, Todd. “Constructing the Syllabus: Devising a Framework for Helping Students Learn to Think Like Historians.” History Teacher 40, no.
Itisalso available as an ebook and online: 177. Sports illustrated . . . almanac. Sports Illustrated. New York: Bishop Books, 2002–. ill. 10567887 GV741.S768 This allinonevolume source of sports records provides ...
Using research, vignettes, and renegade profiles, this book challenges you to lead in the digital age by: Applying transformational tenets of connected pedagogy Increasing your leadership in curriculum, cultural proficiency, and school ...
Falsehood and Fallacy emphasizes that in our politically divided landscape, we all need to be able to read and research more critically in order to make well-reasoned arguments.