What would you see if you could view the world through the eyes of a Diné healer, a Zulu High Sanusi, or a Shaker from St. Vincent Island? The answer can be found in Shamans of the World, an intimate encounter with traditional healers from nine unique indigenous cultures. Through mesmerizing firsthand accounts of miraculous transformation and healing, Shamans of the World transports you to the otherworldly reality of the shaman. Your global adventure begins in the lands of the Diné Nation, as you meet Walking Thunder, the Medicine Woman who reveals the importance of living life with full appreciation. Next, you visit Brazil and faith healers Otavia and João, who embody "a love that breaks through all boundaries of reason and rationality." South Dakota and Lakota Yuwipi Man Gary Holy Bull come next, as you glimpse at the inner life of one dedicated to the service of spirit. Then it's off to the jungles of Paraguay, where the insights of Guarani Forest Shaman Ava Tape Miri unveil the immediate unity of all creation. The traditional healers of Bali share vital lessons on balanced living, before you explore the secrets of Japan's masters of seiki jutsu. After hearing from the Shakers of St. Vincent, who use the power of mourning and ecstatic prayer to create community-based healing, you conclude your journey in Africa, where you witness the ceremonial dances of Kalahari Bushman Mabolelo Shikwe, "the man who says and knows everything." With 24 pages of full-color photographs, and poetry and prayers from the shamans themselves, Shamans of the World brings you authentic "first wisdom" directly from its source. Here is an unprecedented collection of our spiritual roots that offers a radical new understanding of the planet we share. Note: Drawn from the ten-volume Profiles of Healing series edited by Bradford Keeney and published by Ringing Rocks Foundation.
Fascinating, comprehensive, and eminently readable, this guide explores shamanism—the world's most enduring healing and religious tradition—in the light of modern medicine, psychology, neuroscience, consciousness disciplines, and ...
Shamanism for Beginners concludes with a thoughtful, empowering look at how shamanic practices can help restore balance and peace to our lives and the earth.
The World of Classical Myth: Gods and Goddesses, Heroes and Heroines. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. Ruck, Carl A. P., Blaise Daniel Staples, and Clark Heinrich. 2001. The Apples of Apollo: Pagan and Christian Mysteries of the ...
Shamanism can be described as a group of techniques by which its practitioners enter the “spirit world,” purportedly obtaining information that is used to help and to heal members of their social group.
Shamans, Healers, and Medicine Men explores the primal healing methods of shamans all over the world.
In this important book, Hillary S. Webb invites us to eavesdrop on her conversations with some of today’s most influential teachers and writers of shamanism.
A series of psychological and anthropological studies about the oldest and the most fascinating religious tradition of Korea.
Healing the World takes the fundamental teachings of shamans—the healer of communities—and applies them to the problems of today, using terms and concepts that anybody, from business leaders to activists, can relate to and understand.
why Hopewell shamans — or any shaman , for that matter — might wish to transform into an animal . The simplest answer is that shamans transform into animals in order to make use of the source animal's knowledge , attributes , and ...
THE SPIRIT OF SHAMANISM ROGER N. WALSH , M.D. , Ph.D. The author would like to thank the following people and. A Jeremy P. Tarcher / Putnam Book published by G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS New York A Jeremy P. Tarcher / Putnam Book published by G.