Draws on the author's extensive interviews with more than two thousand executives from a variety of industries to cite the importance of sales talent, a correct blend of motivational factors, and results-oriented thinking, in a guide that challenges popular practices and shares anecdotal examples. 20,000 first printing.
Counter-Intuitive Selling: Mastering the Art of the Unexpected delivers a proven plan to break your old habits, backed by real-life success stories of Counter-Intuitive Selling behavior in action.
In Managing to Sell, author Lou Sepulveda reveals the successful sales techniques that have worked in his own career.
SUKSES MANAJEMEN PENJUALAN Grant Stewart Judul Asli : SUCCESSFUL SALES MANAGEMENT ( ISBN : 0–273–64488–2 ) Grant Stewart Pearson Education Limited 2000. This translation of Successful Sales Management 02 Edition is published by ...
This book describes that gold standard for you. Once learnt, The Secrets of Selling will stay with you for life you'll wonder what you ever did without them.
O que faz uma empresa sair na frente das outras e disparar na busca de resultados excepcionais? O que faz uma empresa encantar seus clientes e oferecer-lhes um produto ou...
Bernthal, P., K. Colteryahn, P. Davis, J. Naughton, W. Rothwell, and R. Wellins. (2004). ASTD 2004 Competency Study: Mapping the Future: New Workplace ... Boyer, S.L., and B. Lambert. (2008). Take the Handcuffs Off the Sales Team with ...
Books for Sales Managers Sales Manager's Desk Book by Gene Garofalo Prentice Hall, Business & Professional Division Div. of Simon & Schuster, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 (Also available from SalesForce Training.) ...
The Sales Management Game
Catherine Romano , " Death of a Salesman , " Management Review 83 ( September 1 , 1994 ) : 10-17 . 6 Ibid . ? Michael Collins , " Breaking Into the Big Leagues , " Marketing Tools ( January 1 ...