Designed for both professional and student use, the new Second Edition includes recent improvements in the application of new technologies and materials on the environment. It also places greater emphasis on the three environmental media of air, water, and soil and discusses how technology can be used to mitigate contamination of all three.
The storage of water for domestic water supplies in estuaries when suitable inland sites for reservoirs have been exhausted. In the UK, Morecambe Bay, the Solway Firth and the Wash have been suggested as potential sites, with a BARRAGE ...
Introduction to Environmental Science and Technology
By 1996, The number of spills had doubled, resulting in 670,000 dead fish (U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, 1997). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration estimated That animal feedlots contributed To the impairment of ...
This book presents the current aspects of environmental issues in view of chemical processes particularly with respect to two facets: social sciences along with chemistry and natural sciences.
Principles of Environmental Science and Technology
This book is meant to be an introductory text on the Fundamentals of Environmental Science and Engineering.
Additionally, the volume looks to extend the valuable conversation between STS and environmental history to wider communities that include policy makers and other stakeholders, as many of the issues raised can inform future courses of ...
Science and Technology Programs at the Environmental Protection Agency: The FY 2003 Budget Request : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on...
This new book offers scientists, researchers, and students an essential understanding of natural environments and the way in which they function by providing clear explanations of the fundamental aspects of environmental science and ...