Rasing Your Child: The Complete Illustrated Guide is an information-packed guide that leads parents through the ever changing maze of new behaviors, developments, and challenges present in a child’s first six years. It is filled with essential information, expert advice, practical solutions, and key choices to ensure a child’s healthy development for their first six years—and set them up for success in later developmental stages. In addition to understanding their child’s stage of development, readers are given parenting techniques and activities they can use with their child to maximize physical, emotional, intellectual, and behavioral development at every age and stage.
[This title] operates on the radical premise that neither child nor parent must dominate. -- Review.
A clinical psychologist offers advice designed to improve parent-child relationships through the application of Judeo-Christian teachings
In Parenting by The Book, which John describes as both a "mission and a ministry," he brings parents back to the uncomplicated basics.
Anyway, I know how to swim already Parent: You need to get stronger in the deep end. ... I'm not going! Child: I'm not going to any more swimming lessons. I don't like it anymore. Anyway, I know how to swim already Parent: Sounds like ...
Raising Your Child to be a Mensch
Concise and accessible, this guide is packed with Bryan's trademark energy and common sense tips designed to inspire success.
Imagine child development—and your child’s journey though life—as a ride down a long, often unpredictable river. You are the guide, there to control the direction and speed that you travel.
In Raising Kids for True Greatness, Kimmel turns the definition of success on its head and guides you in preparing your child for a life that will easily eclipse the goals of those who are merely successful.
Praise for Raising Your Spirited Child; "A well-written, comprehensive, and above all loving and positive approach to understanding that oh-so challenging child." — Evonne Weinhaus and Karen Friedman, authors of Stop Struggling with ...
How can you change a child's strong will without breaking his spirit? If you want totestablish sound discipline strategies, this book will help you teach your child without straining your vocal cords.