A wealth of information, now in one comprehensive sourcebook. Completely updated for 2010, this eighteenth edition contains more information than ever before, including a new separate section on disability groups, from blind & deaf to dexterity to speech and language. Plus, this edition offers thousands of new entries, enhancements to existing entries, as well as hundreds more web sites and e-mail addresses than ever before. This directory is the most comprehensive resource available for people with disabilities, detailing important information sources for: Independent Living Centers, Rehabilitation Facilities, State & Federal Agencies, Associations and Support Groups. This one-stop resource also provides immediate access to the latest products and services available for people with disabilities, such as Periodicals & Books, Assistive Devices, Employment & Education Programs, Camps and Travel Groups. Each year, more libraries, schools, colleges, hospitals, rehabilitation centers and individuals add The Complete Directory for People with Disabilities to their collections, making sure that this information is readily available to the families, individuals and professionals who can benefit most from the amazing wealth of resources cataloged here.
... 4791 Student Teaching Guide for Blind and Visually Impaired College Students , 7175 Students with Acquired Brain Injury : The School's Response , 2926 Students with Disabilities Office , 1997 Students with Learning Disabilities ...
The Complete Directory for People with Disabilities: A Comprehensive Source Book for Individuals and Professionals, 2001
Provides information on resources, products, and services for people with disabilities.
This is the most comprehensive directory of Programs, Services, Curriculum Materials, Professional Meetings & Resources, Camps, Newsletters and Support Groups for teachers, students and families concerned with learning disabilities.
A wealth of information, now in one comprehensive sourcebook with thousands of resources for the disabled population and their support network.
Completely updated for 2013, this eighteenth edition contains more information than ever before, including a new separate section on disability groups, from blind & deaf to dexterity to speech
Completely updated, this edition contains more information than ever before, including a new separate section on disability groups, from blind & deaf to dexterity to speech and language.
Plus, this edition offers thousands of new entries, enhancements to existing entries, as well as hundreds more web sites and e-mail addresses than ever before.
The Complete Directory for People with Disabilities: Products, Resources, Books, Services: a One-stop Sourcebook for Individuals and Professionals
Completely updated, this edition contains more information than ever before, including a new separate section on disability groups, from blind & deaf to dexterity to speech and language.