Offers insight into how to resolve disparities between one's values and one's actual actions, introducing the Jungian concept of a divided soul while explaining how readers can become more self-aware by accepting the less favorable elements of their personalities.
Offers an inspirational and compassionate approach to understanding the problems of life, and argues that we should continue to believe in God's fairness.
This simple, comprehensive tool teaches readers that the suffering, distress, and frustration they've encountered are not outside the assistance of God's grace.
He fears God and stays away from evil.” (Job 1:8 NLT) First Challenge of Job's Faith Satan then challenges God with insinuating accusations that Job doesn't genuinely love Him freely and that he serves Him only for selfish motives, ...
In this ground-breaking book, Shaun Best analyses the intellectual knowledge production of Zygmunt Bauman and his rise to academic stardom in the English speaking world by evaluating the relation between his biography, the contexts in which ...
Why Bad Things Don't Happen to Good People: Finding Light in the Darkness
J. Rilling and T. Insel, “The Primate Neocortex in Comparative Perspective Using MRI,” J Hum Evol 37 (1999): 191; R. Barton and C. Venditti, “Human Frontal Lobes Are Not Relatively Large,” PNAS 110 (2013): 9001; Y. Zhang et al., ...
If God is good, why does He allow suffering? Popular author Dave Earley provides solid biblical answers in 21 Reasons Bad Things Happen to Good People. Why does God allow bad things to happen to "good" people?
This book explores a much-neglected area of moral philosophy--the typology of immorality.
While the answer is explained here in a format and in language children can understand, My biggest hope in writing this is for people to be able to step out of their humanity for a moment and look at the story with a slightly larger ...
Halvorsen, Bente. 2008. “Effects of Norms and Opportunity Cost of time on Household Recycling.” Land Economics 84(3) (August): 501–516. Hanisch, Carola. 2000. “Is Extended Producer Responsibility Effective?