Numbers saturate the news, politics, and life. The average person can use basic knowledge and common sense to put the never-ending onslaught of facts and figures in their proper place.
When Eileen discovers that Paul's late nights in the city are hiding an affair with a younger woman, she begins to question all those years of sacrifice and compromise.
Lindsey spent the next 15 years, whether stationed inQuebec, Colorado, Washington, or under a distinctly ... George Lindsey would dig deeper than anyone had before. ... But George R. Lindsey, along with hisfather and his rowboat, ...
Sometimes the arrests came from further afield in the city: in October 1917, Knita Genaka, a thirty-four-year-old butler and Japanese national living on Lexington Avenue, was picked up by the police in the Hudson Terminal with ...
"Eileen Jackson was happy to set aside her own dreams to raise a family with her husband, Paul.
Praise for Tracy Solheim “She’s in the running for romance novelist rookie of the year.”—Rhapsody Book Club Tracy Solheim is the author of international bestselling contemporary romance novels featuring hot football players and the ...
Treena is nervous for Rating Day.
“Robert McNamara Interview: Conversations with History.” Interview with Robert McNamara, Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley, April 16, 1996. http:/lglobetrotter.berkeleyedu/McNamara/mcnamara1.htm.
”Take Blanton with 24 and McCurdy with 26." ”Swisher and Blanton and McCurdy," says Erik "This is unfair." He clicks the button on the speakerphone, and his voice shaking like a man calling in to say he holds the winning Lotto ticket, ...
This is a book that every fan, every follower of sports radio, every fantasy player, every coach, and every player, at every level, can learn from and enjoy.
"Math information for kids while learning about basketball"--