Describes the merits of competitive debate and how to effectively construct and execute a debate speech, using historic examples as guides.
It next advances to intermediate theory and strategy debaters can use as they develop their skills. This book is perfect for your club, a beginning debate class, or as a reference resource for debaters of all experience levels.
A fresh, new design and the most current information about all competitive debate formats make this text a must for your students.
And he’s not the only one. Far from it: presidents, Supreme Court justices, and CEOs are all disproportionally debaters. This is hardly a coincidence.
While written as a guide for even the most novice students, this handbook is a game changer for veteran debaters looking to expand and improve their debate repertoire.
Misunderstood or unknown by outsiders, academic debate has far reaching impacts upon our world. This collection of essays, highlights the significance the activity has, not just on those who engage in it, but upon people everywhere.
This text posits four characteristics of true debate -- argument development, clash, extension, and perspective -- which form the basic structure of the book.
The book frames methods and pedagogy as best practices to provide educational growth for students and explicitly connect learning outcomes for students.
This text presents a clear and concise explanation of argumentation and provides models for good argumentation, particularly as it applies to academic debate.
This volume presents a set of policy notes prepared by the World Bank's Brazil Team with partners during 2002
The book expands the study of American public address, focuses on the pedagogy of forensics training, and explores cultural dimensions of forensics activities.