This special hardcover edition features an all-new full color cover and is limited to just 1250 copies! Adman Timothy Hole has everything going for him and has now been handed the biggest assignment of his life, marketing a major cola in Russia. But his smooth life begins to unravel as he is stalked by a demonic child that makes him question not just who he is, but how he really affects those around him. It is about the little murders that we all have to make each day just to get by. The little assassinations of tiny things. Really, how much damage can be done by a small killing? As an added bonus, this graphic novel includes new commentary articles by both Alan Moore and the artist, Oscar Zarate.
Pearson became one over . He was hung up in a of Wood's closest friends and very Freudian way about longest associates . witzend women . He bought all that contributor Ralph Reese was Freud stuff lock , stock and listed as “ staff " in ...
「被我當成『人生範本』的鄰家大姊姊,居然壞掉了……!」 ★《高捷少女 禮贈》、《小滿的府城日誌》人氣作家,第七屆浮文字新人獎銀賞得主「青次方」最新酸甜系力作! ...
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... 却找不到芳茵一家人,倒是和这里的房东聊了几句。这里的房东一肚子气地说道:“他们这家都是麻烦人。当爸爸的只懂喝酒赌博,儿子也好吃懒做只会赖在家里。芳茵真是个可怜的孩子,要跟着爸爸到处搬家逃避大耳窿追债。”这位房东姓陈,是一名独居的老妇人。陈 ...
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Green Lantern-Green Arrow: More hard-traveling heroes
When a savage creature known only as the Adversary conquered the fabled lands of legends and fairy tales, all of the infamous inhabitants of folklore were forced into exile. Disguised...
"1602 is a triumph. The Marvel universe hasn't been this engrossing in ages." - Entertainment Weekly Neil Gaiman's vision of the Marvel Universe in the year 1602! The year is...