Webb , James T. " Cultivating Courage , Creativity and Caring . " Presentation at the Montana Association for Gifted and Talented conference , April 2000 . Webb , James T. , Elizabeth A. Meckstroth , and Stephanie Tolan .
' Sunday Independent 'A genuinely useful book for anxious children.' Irish Independent Praise for The Magic Moment: 'The sort of book that could be genuinely helpful to an anxious child.
Con-man, filmmaker (currently working on producing Jesus 2001, what he calls the religious equivalent of The Godfather), descendent of a wealthy and prestigious New York family whose wealth and prestige are in sharp decline, racist and anti ...
Take Five: The Public and Private Lives of Paul Desmond is the story of a jazz artist who transcended genres to establish one of the most immediately recognizable sounds in...
LESTER takes the second cup from Gladys ' hand as she is talking to SHARON . ) It's a new recipe . GLADYS . Thank you , but I can't . I'm on a diet . They do look tempting , though . SHARON . Diet ? Why should you be on a diet ?
Six different types of critical thinking activities covering 72 topics set the instructional stage for history lessons and provoke higher order thinking.
Five minutes is all it takes to bring a smile to yourface or chase away the blues with Bob Coulson's one page vignettes. These stories, compiled over a life-time, take the ordinary and show you that humor can be found almost anywhere ...
“Take Five,” by Douglas Clark. ISBN 1-58939-784-3 (softcover); 1-58939-797-5 (hardcover). Published 2005 by Virtualbookworm.com Publishing Inc., P.O. Box 9949, College Station, TX 77842, US. 2005, Douglas Clark. All rights reserved.
Who was the first woman to serve as U.S. National Security Advisor? 2. In what year was Jackie Robinson elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame? a. 1947 b. 1949 c. 1962 3. What was the Underground Railroad? 4. Reverend Martin Luther King ...
Quilters everywhere love Take 5 patterns from The Teacher's Pet, and this book is packed with them!
Extraordinary Black Americans from Colonial to Contemporary Times. Childrens Press, 1993. Anderson, LaVere. Mary McLeod Bethume: Teacher with a Dream. Chelsea House Publishers, 1991. Avery, Susan, and Linda Skinner.