From grouping by ability, to grouping by interest, to grouping by learning style, the use of grouping in the gifted and regular education classroom has proven to be a successful method of instruction for students. Grouping provides teachers with an effective means of providing gifted students with challenging coursework and access to advanced content, and gives students an avenue to create a peer group of other gifted students. Karen B. Rogers, a leader in the field of gifted education, provides teachers with practical advice for choosing a grouping option that best fits their students and information on how to assess their grouping choices. This book gives teachers tips for grouping gifted students in and out of the classroom and provides a menu of options for serving gifted students. This is one of the books in Prufrock Press' popular Practical Strategies Series in Gifted Education. This series offers a unique collection of tightly focused books that provide a concise, practical introduction to important topics concerning the education of gifted children. The guides offer a perfect beginner's introduction to key information about gifted and talented education. Educational Resource
BOREDOM Very bright overplaced children might feel uncomfortable socially and emotionally . Children with average or above average intelligence are among those who benefit most from re - placement . You often hear people say that these ...
Navigating the Politics of Detracking: Leadership Strategies
... Martha Bruckner, Mary Ellen Freeley, Richard L. Hanzelka, Douglas E. Harris, Mildred Huey, Susan Kerns, Robert Nicely Jr., James Tayler, Andrew Tolbert, Sandra K. Wegner, Jill Dorler Wilson; Gene R. Carter, Executive Director.
Teaching Mixed Ability Classes: Headteachers' Reports of Procedures and Problems in Forty Schools
Rainer H. Lehmann, Wilfried Bos, Thomas N.: Festschrift Postlethwaite, Wilfried Bos, Rainer H. Lehmann ... This is a rather strong contrast , which may be attributed to diverging biographical experiences in both parts or to the effects ...
K. G. Brown and A. Martin , “ Student Achievement in Multi - grade and Single - grade Classes , " Education Canada , Summer 1989 , pp . 10-13 , 47 . 17. S. Strauber , " Observing and Evaluating the Multilevel Foreign Language Class ...
Alongside a comprehensive account of existing literature and the international field, this book offers: Rigorous conceptual analysis of data A view of wider political debates on pupils' social backgrounds and educational attainment A ...
Differentiation in Middle & High School: Strategies to Engage All Learners
Mixed Ability Teaching
Teaching Mixed Ability Classes in English: Some Sample Units