Page Stegner's extensive writings on American history have made him a popular and critical favorite. Adios Amigos maintains his high standard. These essays expertly interweave natural history, conservation polemic, ecology, and wilderness adventures on a number of the West's major whitewater rivers. Stegner moves effortlessly from his own experiences on the Colorado, Yampa, Green, San Juan, Dolores, and Missouri rivers to first explorations by historical figures like Lewis and Clark and John Wesley Powell to modern controversies that threaten the continued existence of these special places. From its opening essay, a hilarious, albeit hazardous, journey down the Owyhee River in southeastern Oregon, to its final impeachment of Lake Powell, Stegner's articles are rich in vivid detail, laced with sardonic humor, and always grounded in a passion for the West ? both its heady past and the promise of its future.
Here is a writer who has read widely and judiciously and for whom everything resonates within the intricately structured definition of home.
The eighteenth-century American naturalist describes the wildlife, forests, swamps, rivers, and savannahs of the South, and shares his observations of the Creek and Cherokee Indians
The arid American Southwest is host to numerous organisms described as desert-loving, or xerophilous. Extending this term to include the region's writers and the works that mirror their love of...
Born in 1837 in the Catskill Mountains of New York State and a longtime resident of the Hudson River Valley, Burroughs spent his life studying the natural world. His powerful...
"Like Muir himself, Essential Muir packs an astounding range of experience into a lithe frame: ecstatic yet scientific descriptions of Yosemite; the heartrending tale of that "wee, hairy, sleekit beastie,"...
As the longest serving Justice in the history of the Supreme Court, Douglas was known for writing a host of dissenting opinions. He was also a prolific writer off the...
America’s greatest nature writer and a political thinker of international renown, Henry David Thoreau crafted essays that reflect his speculative and probing cast of mind. In his poems, he gave...
|小野寫作半世紀巔峰力作| 活在山岳之島的我們,生來屬於山脈、屬於森林。 循徑而行,路在哪裡,家就在哪裡。 ★【台灣第一位】斜槓國民作家×新浪潮電影推手×社會革新實踐者×體制外教育家,多元視角開啟自然書寫新頁 ★【生涯第一本】小野潛心15年最深情力作,首次以自傳體書寫歷史文化、地理生態及個人生命,剖析島嶼百年故事 ★【山上見】獨家BONUS收錄「小野帶路走讀──三條新手路線輕鬆行」 召喚流浪與自由之魂,, 追尋安頓、療癒與愛的道路 寫作四十餘年,這一次,小野談走路、談步道、談森林與大海,道出那些關於家也關於愛的故事。 本書著眼於小野的生命經驗,將步道結合心理治癒、歷史文化、生活哲思等面向,指引讀者以走路來追尋島國根源,也換來自己的身心安頓。 【本書以十篇關於山海的壯闊書寫構成】 /PART1/ 十五年風起雲湧人生哲思 前五章為小野從二〇〇六年共同發起千里步道協會,至二〇二一年大疫之下的十五年私人日記。將一場串連全島、守護大地的革命運動,結合自身生命中的起伏跌宕。 /PART2/ 三條屬於台灣的朝聖之路 後五章環繞「淡蘭古道」「樟之細路」「山海圳」三條國家級綠道,訴說台灣山徑古道的風光變貌,以及沿途感受的靈光與領悟。 ◆淡蘭南路起點始於台北艋舺,是百年前茶商出發運貨的古徑,也是現代男女漫步於夏夜晚風的鬧熱街區。 ◆樟之細路從桃園蜿蜒至台中,途中有馬偕牧師走過的痕跡,有族群衝突與共榮的流轉,有關於石虎的童話臆想,也有客家文豪思慕的田園風景。 ◆山海圳是一條銜接台江內海、嘉南大圳及玉山的壯麗長路,帶我們從傳說中鯨魚終老的家園,走向住著帝雉、鋪滿杜鵑花瓣的東亞第一高峰。 家,不只是近在身畔的日常,家也可能是遙遠的朝聖與嚮往,深植於精神的原鄉。 當我們走路回家,我們也踏上了一段歷史,一個已然消逝或正在形塑的故事,一片等待發現、等待實踐的夢想之地。...
Writer-poet William L. Fox has spent much of his career contemplating the complex ways that landscape, human cognition, and history collide to create our perceptions and treatment of place. In...
The Bark River valley in southeastern Wisconsin is a microcosm of the state's - indeed, of the Great Lakes region's - natural and human history. "The Bark River Chronicles" reports...