High-quality preschool programs are essential to improving children's outcomes in reading achievement and leveling language and literacy disparities among students from diverse backgrounds. Grounded in state-of-the-art research evidence, this practice-oriented book demonstrates how preschool professionals can create, evaluate, and sustain exemplary programs. Chapters from leading authorities cover coaching, assessment, and differentiation, as well as explicit strategies for teaching English language learners and helping at-risk readers. Discussion questions and suggested activities for professional development are included, as are reproducible assessment forms and planning tools for use in the classroom.
In this essay collection, scholars in the area of early literacy provide concrete strategies for achieving excellence in literacy instruction.
This book describes effective, engaging ways to build young children's print concepts and alphabetic knowledge, which are crucial for both reading and writing development.
This book addresses questions of how early literacy instruction can meet children's diverse needs and provide essential skills. The focus is on issues of theory and practice for children ages...
Boston, MA: Pearson Education. ... Retrieved from http:// www.naeyc.org/files/yc/file/200901/BTJPhonologicalAwareness.pdf Ziolkowski, R. A., & Goldstein, H. (2008). Effects of an 146 Systematic and Engaging Early Literacy: Instruction ...
Offers strategies for providing preschoolers with the most effective early literacy instruction, in a new edition that includes information on storybook reading and planning the daily schedule.
The center activities involve the children in practicing skills they have learned. ... 10:45–11:15: Circle time: discussion about the theme being studied. Addition and work with the word wall. Songs and poems related to the theme.
Bringing together prominent scholars, this book shows how 21st-century research and theory can inform everyday instructional practices in early childhood classrooms (PreK-3).
This book identifies the most important questions and explores the authoritative answers on the topic of how children can grow into readers, including: What are the key elements all children need in order to become good readers?
Filled with clear explanations and doable strategies, this book helps PreK-2 teachers juggle the demands of planning effective instruction and creating a literacy-rich classroom environment.
The Handbook of Early Literacy Research presents cutting-edge knowledge on all aspects of literacy learning in the early years.