This compelling volume provides a broad and accessible overview of the emerging field of social neuroscience. Showcasing an array of cutting-edge research programs, leading investigators present new approaches to the study of how the brain and body influence social behavior, and vice versa. Each authoritative chapter clearly describes the methods used: lesion studies, neuroimaging techniques, hormonal methods, event-related brain potential methods, and others. The contributors discuss the theoretical advantages of taking a social neuroscience perspective and analyze what their findings reveal about core social psychological phenomena. Essential topics include emotion, motivation, attitudes, person perception, stereotyping and prejudice, and interpersonal relationships.
Server “T” “W” Camera FIGURE 4.6. Schematic representation of two conditions presented during the Cacioppo et al.'s tennis study. Participants had to predict whether their opponent would serve on the wide side of the tennis court (W) or ...
The Oxford Handbook of Social Neuroscience marks the emergence of a third broad perspective in this field.
Shin, L. M., Dougherty, D. D., Orr, S. P., Pitman, R. K., Lasko, M., Macklin, M. L., et al. (2000). Activation of anterior paralimbic structures during guilt-related script-driven imagery. Biological Psychiatry, 48, 43–50.
A psychology professor and author investigates the different ways the human brain learns best at every age and uses social neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology to demonstrate what good teachers do to maximize brain stimulation in ...
This book explores the impact of acquired brain injury and developmental disabilities on children's emerging social skills.
Creating a healthy, social classroom environment. This book explains how the brain, as a social organism, learns best throughout the lifespan, from our early schooling through late life.
A comprehensive survey of the growing field of social neuroscience.
In this volume, the contributors' state-of-the-art investigations of empathy from a social neuroscience perspective vividly illustrate the potential benefits of such cross-disciplinary integration.
This volume brings together scholars who work with animal and human models of social behavior to discuss the challenges and opportunities in this interdisciplinary academic field.
... 115, 118, 133, 150, 159, 311 Caldwell, C. A. 82 Call, J. 70, 85, 86, 159 Callaghan, T. 350 Caltran, G. 338 Calvert, G. A. 90, 149 Calvert, S. L. 235 Camerer, C. F. 129 Cameron, N.M. 246 Campbell, C. 320, 321 Campbell, R. 143, ...