Our culture and media often simplify the choice educators face-stay in or leave classroom teaching. Written for teachers and other educational professionals, this book dispels this simple dichotomy by representing the range of responses and career pathways that enable educators to make a difference. Based on interviews with hundreds of change-minded educators, the authors share career stories and insights against a backdrop that maps out the complexities, roles, and structures that define professional advancement in education. All of the teachers in this book have taught in challenging urban contexts, fought hard to exercise their professional autonomy and responsibility to serve students well, navigated social networks of educators, friends, and family who buoy or dampen their reform spirit, and remain committed to changing society through schooling. Their stories are as instructive as they are inspiring and offer roadmaps for the current generation of change-minded educators.
Making a Difference 3
Dr. Larry Little has made it his life’s work to help people cultivate healthy relationships, and this mission led him to write Make A Difference, the first book that inspired the four-part EAGLE Leadership Series.
It is about realizing the importance of your role in life and taking pride in everything you do! This book is a profound idea that will impact your life.
What is working in education in the UK - and what isn't? This book offers a highly readable guide to what the latest research says about improving young people's outcomes in pre-school, primary and secondary education.
This book provides you with the knowledge and practical skills to transcend barriers, bridge cultures, and cultivate strong relationships with anyone, anywhere.
Meet 12 kids who have taken action to change their community, town, country, even the world in this inspiring new book!
This book presents the most important contributions to modern psychological science and explains how the contributions came to be.
Contains quotations, reflection questions, and stories designed to help individuals figure out how they can make a difference and create life of significance.
This book is a celebration of those teachers who continue to make an impact. A collection of stories from some of the country?s top educators, this book is a celebration of teachers? work, and motivation for them to continue.
Words that Make a Difference and how to Use Them in a Masterly Way