The process of formulating and implementing telecommunications policy in the United States often seems chaotic and disorganised, with overlapping responsibility and frequent conflicts among federal and state regulators, Congress, the Administration, and the Federal judiciary. There has never been a consensus on what should change and what should remain unaltered. Telecommunications policy has evolved gradually over a relatively long period of time, resulting in a cumulative major transformation. It is still tied, however, to the Communications Act of 1934. Actions have been taken that have gradually moved policy from traditional public utility regulation of a monopoly to greater reliance on market forces and encouragement of competition. The policies are an amalgam incorporating elements from a wide range of political and economic views. There is nothing endemic in this transformation process to guarantee that the resulting policies have led to greater economic efficiency or that they are better in some subjective sense than alternatives that are available. policies that have been implemented in order to evaluate their impact. An objective evaluation of the impact of a policy affords an opportunity to make adjustments to it based on the realised economic consequences. This approach to policy making can be looked upon as a learning-by-doing exercise. In this book a number of objective studies based on data from various telecommunications systems are presented. These studies discuss and evaluate policies that have been implemented. In a number of instances, the policies have been misguided. Recommendations to correct the most egregious problems are offered.
Hermes cautivo: política y tecnología de las telecomunicaciones
The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: Dian Xun Tiao Li (di 106 Zhang). Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106)
100 Chase Libbey Alexandria , VA 22308 United States SBC Communications , Inc. ( SBC ) ( 2326 ) 175 E Houston St. ... F - 1 Todd A. Tanner Salt Lake City , UT 84103 United States Utah Rural Telecom Association ( URTA ) ( 2914 ) 2655 N.
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Complete with drawings, tables, and photographs, The Telecommunications Fact Book and Illustrated Dictionary, 2E articulately defines telecommunications terminology through educational modules that are related to voice, data, video, ...
Teacher's Resource Binder to Accompany Introduction to Technology
"This is about the old post office linemen. Their habits, antics, and language. Their trials, tribulations, and achievements. Told in their own unique language, by one of their own."--Back cover.
Federal Telecommunications Law: A Legislative History of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-104, 110 Stat. 56 (1996)...
Bankston, John. Alexander Graham Bell and the Story of the Telephone. Hockessin, Del.: Mitchell Lane, 2004. Banting, Erinn. Inventing the Telephone (Breakthrough Inventions). New York: Crabtree, 2006. Besing, Ray G. Who Broke Up AT&T?:
The U.S. Public Telecommunications Marketplace