General Relativity Research Trends
Quantum Cosmology Research Trends - Horizons in World Physics
School of Einstein , Infeld and Hoffmann Next , let us review the ideas of Einstein and his collaborates . Their theory is known as Einstein - Infeld - Hoffmann formalism at present . They originally purposed to discuss relativistic ...
Generalising Newton's law of gravitation, general relativity is one of the pillars of modern physics.
(4.177) Choo sing 2 1 (4.178) 2W6): l 5g) 6 ]\/2K + \/2 ...
These are all important topics in today's research activities from both a theoretical and experimental point of view.
Quantum Gravity Research Trends
... (2nd ed.). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Griffiths, D. (2012). Introduction to Electrodynamics (4th ... B. S., & Dhurandhar, S. V. (1991). Choice of filters for the detection of gravitational waves from coalescing ...
A significant part of the book focuses on the Special and General theories of relativity. The tests and experimental evidence supporting the theories are explained together with their predictions and their confirmation.
With h = 0.7 the critical density is ρ c = 2 · 10−26kg/m3. If the mass density is larger than ρc the universe has positive spatial curvature, k > 0, and is thus closed. If it is less the curvature is negative, k < 0, and the universe ...
In this book, we focus our attention on extended alternative gravity theories and the best astrophysical laboratories to probe the strong field regime: black holes, pulsars, and neutron stars.