To access this book's 2010 Update, click here. In addition, to bring the book up-to-date for 2011-12 before the new edition is released, click here.
This casebook explores issues relating to property rights, environmental protection, and natural resources in Indian country. The book covers tribal, cultural and religious relationships with the land, fundamental principles of federal Indian law, land ownership and property rights of tribes, land use and environmental protection, natural resources development, taxation of lands and resources, water rights, usufructuary (hunting, fishing, gathering) rights, and international approaches to indigenous rights in land and natural resources. It is designed to be used in a stand-alone course or as a supplemental reader for courses in environmental law, natural resources law, or Native American studies.
The second edition updates the casebook to include Supreme Court cases, such as the 2003 trust cases and the 2005 Sherrill case, as well as other judicial and legislative developments since 2002. The new edition also expands the materials on cultural and religious resources, natural resources damages, and international law; reorganizes the materials on water law; and includes the recent decision recognizing a right of habitat protection in treaties recognizing off-reservation fishing.
This is a 2017 paperback printing of the Native American Natural Resources Law casebook (Third Edition) published in 2013.
Native American Natural Resources Law: Cases and Materials
This volume will advance the reader's knowledge and understanding of these challenging issues.
Where Does Constitutional Rule Really Come From? Constitutional Rule among the Modern Sioux and Apache. Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, ...
Justice and Natural Resources is the first book devoted to exploring the concept of environmental justice in the realm of natural resources.
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Implementation of Indian Gaming Regulatory Act: Oversight Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Native American Affairs of the Committee on Natural...
Implementation of Indian Gaming Regulatory Act: Oversight Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Native American Affairs, Committee on Natural Resources, House...
Law Enforcement Issues in the Bureau of Indian Affairs: Oversight Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Native American Affairs of the...
Burton dissects the irreconcilable conflict of interest within the Interior Department (between the Bureau of Reclamation and the Bureau of Indian Affairs). He also examines the methods of managing disputes...