International Business Transactions: A Context and Practice Casebook

International Business Transactions: A Context and Practice Casebook
International Business Transactions
Export sales contracts
Amy Deen Westbrook


International Business Transactions provides a basic introduction to international economic relations as well as to cross-border transactions in goods and services. The book covers both international trade and international business transactions materials and can be used for a course covering either or both topics. The book includes numerous individual and collaborative exercises so that students can ''learn by doing'' with respect to everything from trade negotiations to contract drafting. International Business Transactions is divided into four parts. The first three parts (Chapters 1-12) take students from the big picture concepts of international trade and monetary relations, through institutional arrangements such as the World Trade Organization and the North American Free Trade Agreement, and then on to trade practice including import and export regulations and trade remedies such as antidumping and countervailing duties. The fourth part of the book (Chapters 13-16) focuses on transactional practice, including international sale of goods transactions, letters of credit, and a number of other arrangements such as distributorships and franchises that are commonly used in international business. International Business Transactions provides students with an opportunity to debate the merits of globalization, classify a good under the Harmonized Tariff System, and draft a clause to ensure that a foreign agent complies with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, all in the same class. This book is part of the Context and Practice Series, edited by Michael Hunter Schwartz, Professor of Law and Dean of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Bowen School of Law.

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