By the last throes of winter, we all are eagerly waiting for the resurrection of springtime. We watch for signs of it. A sudden newness arrives, which speaks to hearts that have held out through the winter. Along with the rebirth, there is a solid recognition of age, for spring is an ancient renewal. Spring: A Spiritual Biography of the Season explores this delicate balance between the new and the ancient, evoking our sense that springtime is a time of poignant renewal, of youth merged with age, of giddy joy tempered by wisdom.
The Case of the Tilting Planet
Lost for a Year
The Four Seasons
Power of the Seasons
Describes the characteristics of the four seasons and their effect on the plant and animal life in the park, the woods, and the meadow.
"第一次发现丛书"是法国国宝级儿童科普经典, 该套丛书为2-8岁的儿童展示了一个神奇的科普~世界.
A vibrant exploration of some of natures patterns and cycles.