This pocket-size handbook is the perfect gift for high-school seniors ready to conquer the college campus! Covering everything from move-in day to graduation, this little book is the ultimate reference for every part of campus life, including: · How to Pull an All-Nighter · How to Get Along with Your Roommate · How to Eat for No Money · How to Do Laundry · How to Pick a Major
Leave Owen on; the chicken cooks at the same temperature as the potatoes. Roasted Chicken: 1 tablespoon butter */3 cup flour */2 teaspoon salt */4 teaspoon ground black pepper 3/4 to 1 pound chicken breasts 1.
This book is the perfect high school graduation gift, college orientation guide, and conversation starter for students.
Consider this your parenting lifeline: an easy-to-use manual that offers support and perspective. Grown and Flown is required reading for anyone looking to raise an adult with whom you have an enduring, profound connection.
Hooking up? Breaking up? And everything in between. These are THE 111+ Things EVERY college student should know about dating, relationships, and other college stuff! Coach Steph has done it again!
The author of the best-selling What the Best College Teachers Do is back with humane, doable, and inspiring help for students who want to get the most out of their education.
In 1001 Things Every College Student Needs to Know, Harry H. Harrison Jr.'s latest dose of trademark wit and wisdom provides practical advice ranging from class enrollment, living on campus, study habits and more, that every student-and ...
100 Things Every Adult College Student Ought to Know: A Self-orientation Guide with Definitions, Customs, Procedures, and Advice to Assist...
This book is for incoming and first year college students who are ready to make the most of their college experience, beyond what you might hear at at orientation.This book is a combination of the super secret insider tips to college that ...
A political candidate might be described as “truculent.” How many of these are part of most college students’ arsenal of words? 499 Words Every College Student Should Know helps you become more articulate in your speaking and writing, ...
This book contains fifteen full-length model practice tests that simulate the real-life SAT Math Level 2 test and reflect the latest types of questions.