Uses the principles of sacred geometry, archaeological evidence, and Native American legend to discover the site of a secret Templar settlement in Nova Scotia • Offers evidence that Scottish prince Henry Sinclair not only sailed to the New World 100 years before Columbus, but that he also established a refuge there for the Templars fleeing persecution • Shows that the Grail, the holy bloodline connecting the House of David to the Merovingian dynasty through Jesus and Mary Magdalene, was hidden in the New World In 1398, almost 100 years before Columbus arrived in the New World, the Scottish prince Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney, sailed to what is today Nova Scotia, where his presence was recorded by Micmac Indian legends about Glooskap. This was the same Prince Henry Sinclair who offered refuge to the Knights Templar fleeing the persecution unleashed against the order by French king Philip the Fair at the beginning of the 14th century. With evidence from archaeological sites, indigenous legend, and sacred geometry handed down by the Templar order to the Freemasons, author William F. Mann has now rediscovered the site of the settlement established by Sinclair and his Templar followers in the New World. Here they found a safe refuge for the Grail--the holy bloodline connecting the House of David to the Merovingian Dynasty through the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene--until the British exiled all the Acadians in 1755.
Templars in America reveals the story of two leading European Templar families who combined forces to create a new commonwealth in America nearly a century before the voyages of Christopher Columbus.
The Secret Mapping of the New World William F. Mann. Legacy. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1994. Evans, James. The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Sacred Bloodlines and Secret Treasures William F. Mann. 1997. Flandreau, Grace. The Vérendrye Overland Quest of the Pacific. Seattle, Wash. ... Ganong, William Francis. Crucial Maps. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1964.
Templars in America is the extraordinary story of how two leading European families, steeped in the traditions and spirituality of the Knights Templar, combined forces in an attempt to create a new commonwealth in America, far beyond the ...
A modern-day thriller centered on authentic historical letters encoded with Templar and Rosicrucian secrets • Includes the actual text of recently discovered correspondence between two famous 19th-century Masonic leaders, Albert Pike and ...
Canadian urban designer Mann puts his personal investigations of art history and mythology into a narrative that stretches from the crucifixion to the 20th century and from the Holy Land...
The book was prepared for the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem - OSMTH. This book is the first to study the roots of the 19th century Neo-Templars scientifically.
However, Constantine's nephew and successor, Julian the Apostate, did not share his uncle's beliefs, and the Empire returned to paganism. In a blatant attempt to antagonise Christians, Julian began to rebuild the Temple (not that he had ...
In this unique collection of lecture material and writings from Rudolf Steiner, a new perspective emerges.
These are the first Knights Templar, a band of elite warriors prepared to give their lives to protect Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land.