The highly popular governor of Indiana identifies key vulnerabilities in today's government while offering solutions to some of the nation's most pressing problems from unemployment to the deficit, drawing on his political successes to explain how to enable a smaller government and greater individual power.
Photo by Marc Royce/Corbis via Getty Images Perhaps all these qualities were honed from an early age, as she grew up on her family's Lazy B Ranch on the border of New Mexico and Arizona. As she has written, the ranch was “a place where ...
The entire book has been refocused to look not just at power and citizenship but at the role that control of information and its savvy consumption play in keeping the republic.
This edition offers the same features and benefits of the comprehensive text in 14 chapters.
Keeping the Republic, The Essentials is identical to the full version of the text, minus the three policy chapters. Also available as a digital option (courseware).
" Now America's most respected governor explains just how close we've come to losing the republic, and how we can restore it to greatness. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has been called "the most presidential man in America.
This edition includes 7 chapters on Texas politics and government, written by experts in the field and with the same themes and pedagogy as the core text. For more information, see Barbour/Wright, Keeping the Republic, 2/e.
He replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” In this book, Justice Neil Gorsuch shares personal reflections, speeches, and essays that focus on the remarkable gift the framers left us in the Constitution.
Keeping The Republic: Power And Citizenship In American Politics
Every element of the text is crafted to provide the tools students need to be thoughtful, savvy consumers of political information and to teach them to think more deeply about what they see, read, and hear. See more.
In Keeping the Republic, Robert W. Smith identifies three contending brands of republicanism - classical, whig, and yeoman - that shaped the founders' thinking.