Mealey's Construction Defect SuperConference Handbook on CD (November 2007)
Mealey's 4th Annual Advanced Insurance Coverage Conference: Top 10 Issues Handbook on CD (January 2006)
a compilation of 40 stories on 33 cases from jurisdictions around the country covering not only the construction defects litigation itself but also suits involving the insurance coverage questions.
This multi-volume series is the newest addition to Barry Zalma's insurance claims books that thoroughly explain how to identify construction defects, how to insure, investigate, prosecute, and defend cases that result from construction ...
This multi-volume series is the newest addition to Barry Zalma's insurance claims books that thoroughly explain how to identify construction defects, how to insure, investigate, prosecute, and defend cases that result from construction ...
This multi-volume series is the newest addition to Barry Zalma's insurance claims books that thoroughly explain how to identify construction defects, how to insure, investigate, prosecute, and defend cases that result from construction ...
Sorts through the complexities of construction defect claims and makes them easier to recognize, evaluate, and act on. This comprehensive, hands-on resource is written for anyone who may be confronted...
This insightful and practical two volume resource was envisioned and written by nationally renowned expert Barry Zalma, and it thoroughly explains how to identify construction defects and how to insure, investigate, prosecute, and defend ...
This, the sixth volume, of the multi-volume series is the newest addition to Barry Zalma's insurance claims books that thoroughly explain how to identify construction defects, how to insure, investigate, prosecute, and defend cases that ...
Mealey's 13th Annual Insurance Insolvency and Reinsurance Roundtable Handbook on CD (April 2006)