General Howe's Dog: George Washington, the Battle of Germantown, and the Dog who Crossed Enemy Lines

General Howe's Dog: George Washington, the Battle of Germantown, and the Dog who Crossed Enemy Lines
Biography & Autobiography / Presidents & Heads of State
Chamberlain Bros.
Caroline Tiger


Before they were generals-they were gentlemen.

A remarkable footnote to history surfaced during America's fight for independence. After the Battle of Germantown, General George Washington came across a stray dog wearing an inscribed collar marking him as the property of British general William Howe-the very man Washington was trying to defeat. As a well-bred gentleman and man of his times, Washington did the proper thing: he returned the dog to his adversary, along with a polite note. Though separated by ideals and loyalties, both Washington and Howe adhered to a common code of conduct. Following the early lives of both men, General Howe's Dogprovides a fascinating account of their upbringings and ascents through the military ranks, detailing how enemies on the battlefield composed themselves as respectable gentlemen in the midst of war. It is a rarely seen glimpse into the personality and character of the father of our country.

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