"A spare, poetic picture book exploring the different phases of the water cycle in surprising and engaging ways"--
One morning Rafe wakes up to discover his bedroom is floating in a vast sea of water. Alone with only his dog for company, Rafe adapts to this strange new world by fishing cans of food out of the water and keeping watch.
Only once did David Foster Wallace give a public talk on his views on life, during a commencement address given in 2005 at Kenyon College. The speech is reprinted for the first time in book form in This is Water.
Schmidt shows how, when it comes to water, the two are one and the same. The very way we think about managing water resources validates putting ever more water to use for some human purposes at the expense of others.
When the Sudanese civil war reaches his village in 1985, 11-year-old Salva becomes separated from his family and must walk with other Dinka tribe members through southern Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya in search of safe haven.
Walter notices water in his everyday activities and begins to write down his observations and the results of his experiments in a notebook that he shares with a friend.
The story of a determined Ojibwe Grandmother (Nokomis) Josephine-ba Mandamin and her great love for Nibi (water).
Moving beyond mere description, he embraces the abstract and surreal landscape of water transformation. Temkin has received a Guggenheim Fellowship for his work, which is collected in museums throughout the United States.
A certain mystique has always surrounded watermen of the Chesapeake Bay, but this book goes far toward dispelling it by taking the reader on a journey with the watermen as they harvest oysters, clams, fish, and crabs.
Water is beautiful and useful and, in its many forms, vital to life. In this lyrical companion to The Earth and I, Frank Asch encourages young readers to appreciate anew one of our most precious resources.
Bond, and Eric Rexstad, “Factors Influencing Changes in Fish Assemblages of Pacific Northwest Streams,” in William Matthews and David C. Heins, eds., Community and Evolutionary Ecology of North American Stream Fishes (Norman: University ...