Conventional management approaches cannot meet the challenges faced by ocean and coastal ecosystems today. Consequently, national and international bodies have called for a shift toward more comprehensive ecosystem-based marine management. Synthesizing a vast amount of current knowledge, Ecosystem-Based Management for the Oceans is a comprehensive guide to utilizing this promising new approach.
At its core, ecosystem-based management (EBM) is about acknowledging connections. Instead of focusing on the impacts of single activities on the delivery of individual ecosystem services, EBM focuses on the array of services that we receive from marine systems, the interactive and cumulative effects of multiple human activities on these coupled ecological and social systems, and the importance of working towards common goals across sectors. Ecosystem-Based Management for the Oceans provides a conceptual framework for students and professionals who want to understand and utilize this powerful approach. And it employs case studies that draw on the experiences of EBM practitioners to demonstrate how EBM principles can be applied to real-world problems.
The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the factors that contribute to social and ecological resilience —the extent to which a system can maintain its structure, function, and identity in the face of disturbance. Utilizing the resilience framework, professionals can better predict how systems will respond to a variety of disturbances, as well as to a range of management alternatives. Ecosystem-Based Management for the Oceans presents the latest science of resilience, while it provides tools for the design and implementation of responsive EBM solutions.
... 176 GOMA constitution as, 175 Chiles, Lawton, 230 Chumash Indians, 77, 90 Clean Water Act, 20–21, 99, 103, 108–109, 120 Clinton, Bill, 216–217 Cobb, Leesa, 2, 136–138, 152, 162, 191, 193,205, 221–222 advice by, 221–222 as leader, 2, ...
Several criteria have been established for vetting indicators (e.g. Brodziak and Link 2002; Rochet and Trenkel 2003; Nicholson and Jennings 2004; Rice and Rochet 2005; Jennings 2005). These generally desirable properties of indicators ...
This volume contributes towards that vision, bringing together the collective knowledge and experience of scholars and practitioners within the Wider Caribbean to begin the process of assembling a road map towards marine ecosystem based ...
Best Practices in Ecosystem-based Oceans Management in the Arctic
An Evolving Perspective Andrea Belgrano, Charles W. Fowler. Garcia, S.M., A. Zerbi, C. Aliaume, ... In Parsons, L.S. and Lear, W.H. (eds.), Perspective on Canadian Marine Fisheries Management. Can. Bull. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 226:5–53.
For both economist and non-economist audiences, this book describes ways in which economic analysis can be an important tool to inform and improve ecosystem-based management (EBM).
Contributed by experts from the Pacific regions as well as the UK and Non-pacific States, this book is one of the first available compendiums on this important movement and will be applicable to fisheries scientists and researchers, ...
This book offers a hopeful message to policy makers, managers, practitioners, and students who will find this an indispensable guide to field-tested, replicable marine conservation management practices that work.>.
Carlson JK, Lee DW. 2000. The Directed Shark Drift Gillnet Fishery: Catch and Bycatch 1998–1999. NMFS/SEFC Sustainable Fisheries Division Contribution No. SFD-99/00-87. Silver Spring, MD: National Marine Fisheries Service.
Marine Ecosystem-Based Management is a state-of-the-art synopsis of the conservation approaches that are currently being translated from theory to action on a global scale.