This second edition of Developing Listening and Talking, Birth to Six remains a dynamic compilation of crucially important information for the facilitation of auditorally-based spoken language for today's infants and young children with hearing loss. This text is intended for graduate level training programs for professionals who work with children who have hearing loss and their families (teachers, therapists, speech-language pathologists, and audiologists.) In addition, the book will be of great interest to undergraduate speech-language-hearing programs, early childhood education and intervention programs, and parents of children who have hearing loss. Responding to the crucial need for a comprehensive text, this book provides a framework for the skills and knowledge necessary to help parents promote listening and spoken language development. This second edition covers current and up-to-date information about hearing, listening, auditory technology, auditory development, spoken language development, and intervention for young children with hearing loss whose parents have chosen to have them learn to listen and talk. Additions include updated information about hearing instruments and cochlear implants and about ways that professionals can support parents in promoting their children's language and listening development. Information about preschool program selection and management has been included. This book is unique in its scholarly, yet thoroughly readable style. Numerous illustrations, charts, and graphs illuminate key ideas. This second edition should be the foundation of the personal and professional libraries of students, clinicians, and parents who are interested in listening and spoken language outcomes for children with hearing loss.
Jerry L. Northern, Marion P. Downs ... 480 Crawford, J.D., 121 Crandell, C., 526 Crandell, C.C., 209 Crepin, G., 120 Crumley, W., 393 Culbertson, J.L., 191 Culpepper, B., 275 Cunningham, G.C., 374 Curhan, G.C., 27 Curhan, S.G., 27 Cyr, ...
Assessing Listening and Spoken Language in Children with Hearing Loss is a comprehensive resource guide in assessments for professionals who provide care to infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged children who are deaf and/or hard ...
Early Development of Children with Hearing Loss
The National Research Council convened an expert committee at the request of the SSA to study the issues related to disability determination for people with hearing loss. This volume is the product of that study.
“My advice is to be the teacher's support, not adversary,” says Karen, whose daughter received hearing aids at 5 months and a cochlear implant when she was 7. Now in high school, Christina is a B+ student who gets excellent support from ...
Worthington , D. W. , 242 , 245 Wright , P. F. , 226 , 227 Yang , L. , 106 Yoshinaga - Itano , C. , 148 , 150 , 153 , 154 , 304 Yost , W. A. , 50 Zemlin , W. R. , 37 Zigler , E. , 170 Zink , D. , 100.
Karen Putz grew up hard of hearing and became deaf as a teen.
This essential subject to Otolaryngologists on Hearing Loss in Children is edited by leading physicians and academicians Dr. Bradley Kesser and Dr. Margaret Kenna.
Berninger, V. W., Vaughan, K., Abbott, R., Abbott, S., Brooks, A., Rogan, L., ... Graham, S. (1997). Treatment of handwriting fluency problems in beginning writing: Transfer from handwriting to composition.
This is an in-depth and practical resource for educators and parents who wish to introduce music to children with hearing loss.