The bestselling Pasha pocket guide - Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide - is back in an extensively revised, up-to-date, and expanded fourth edition. Spanning the breadth of the entire field, this high-yield book retains its by residents, for residents feel, while also including expert content.
A succinct, compact otolaryngology text in rapid review format This well-organized text for rapid clinical and board review contains high-yield facts using a question and answer format that covers all subspecialty topics in otolaryngology.
Special Features: A comprehensive guide to the risks and complications in otology, rhinology, and head and neck surgery Written by a team of leading authorities from around the world, it presents the reader with a wealth of clinical ...
Laryngeal Surgery is the first in the series “Surgical Techniques in Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery.” Divided into five sections, the book begins with an introduction to the basic principles and procedures of laryngeal surgery.
Pediatric Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide
Lateral incudomalleal fold 3 Learning endoscopic ear surgery 33 learning as an established surgeon 34 learning endoscopic ear surgery in residency 34 modern learning theory and its application 33 distribute sessions 34 test yourself 34 ...
Key Features: Opening section on emergency management containing key information residents need for emergency room rotations An expanded section on head and neck pathology Highlights provided in roundsmanship section of clinical chapters, ...
Table 94-2 Differential Diagnosis of Nonarticular Conditions Mimicking Pain of Myofascial Pain Dysfunction Syndrome Disorder Limitation Muscle Tenderness Diagnostic Features Pulpitis No No Mild to severe ache or throbbing; ...
Atlas of Instruments in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
The aim of this book is to harmonize the field of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and its interdisciplinary subjects within the European Community; to present the state of the art in the field and to give standards for diagnostic ...
Now in full color and packed revised and updated information, this portable book is designed for quick reference.