... 164 gender , 9-10 Gilmore , Leigh , 11 , 76 , 79 , 82 , 84 Giordano , J. , 126 Giroux , H. A. , 177 , 180 Groves of the Infirm ( Cartagena ) , 10 , 80 , 81 , 82– 83 , 84 Grushkin , D. , 147 in - school multidisciplinary consultation ...
In C. M. Sterling & C. Robson (Eds.), Psychology, spelling, and education (pp. 185–199 ). Philadelphia, PA : Multilingual Matters . Campbell, R. , & Wright , H. ( 1988 ). Deafness, spelling, and rhyme. Quarterly Journal of Experimental ...
Goldstein, G., & Bebko, J. M. (2003). The profile of multiple language proficiencies: A measure for evaluating language ... Griffith, P. L., & Ripich, D. N. (1988). Story structure recall in hearing-impaired, learning-disabled and ...
These results have been obtained with typical ( i.e. , nondisabled ) as well as with various at - risk populations ( e.g. , see reviews in Adams , 1990 ; McGuinness , 2004 ; Snow et al . , 1998 ; Snowling & Hulme , 2005 ) .
This book gives a clear summary of the main causes of hearing loss (mild or severe), its identification, diagnosis and treatment, followed by an explanation of the impact it can have on a child's social and linguistic development.
Annotation. This incisive book provides parents with the means to ensure that their deaf or hard of hearing child becomes a proficient reader and writer.
With the implementation of Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and advancements in hearing technologies that have heightened both the emphasis on literacy development in the early years and the importance of these years in the ultimate ...
It was anticipated that real word substitutions might be made for the pseudo-words, and this did happen occasionally (e.g., “fridge” and “fudge” for “flidge”); however, substitutions also occurred for real words, although the ...
It is our hope that this book stimulates further theorizing and research and, most importantly, offers evidence- and reason-based practices for improving language and literacy abilities of d/Dhh students.
"This comprehensive text provides guidance on current evidence-based approaches to the promotion of speech and language development in children birth through school age who are deaf or hard of hearing.