The creation of American diplomacy and power as an art
The Jeffersonian Vision, 1801-1815, reveals how the nation's leaders understood and asserted power during those crucial years between Thomas Jefferson's inauguration as the third president and the firing of the last shots at the Battle of ...
Papers of the National Bureau of Economic Research conference held at Dartmouth College on May 8-9, 2009.
Classic Books Library presents this brand new edition of “The Federalist Papers”, a collection of separate essays and articles compiled in 1788 by Alexander Hamilton.
5 , 1794 , Papers of A. H. , XVII , 56 ; Abraham Kirkpatrick to G. W. , July 25 , 1794 and July 28 , 1794 , Wolcott Papers ... XIX , CHS , which reported that two militiamen died and several were wounded , while one of Kirkpatrick's ...
In this fascinating book, William Nester examines how the Founders’ experience in revolution and nation-building caused them to understand leadership as an art--one that ultimately became the distinctive art of American power.
John Gibson , commander of the area's militia, and one of Maj. Thomas Butler, commandant at Fort Fayette. The extremists determined to imprison the offenders and to seize the arms and ammunition at Fort Fayette.
A narrative history introduces each case, and the documents are arranged chronologically thereafter. The texts of many of them had to be reconstructed from originals that were severely damaged or written in shorthand.
Bergman v. De Sieyes, a 1948 diversity case removed from state to federal court on the basis of diversity jurisdiction, raised this very question in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.67 Bergman, a New Yorker, ...
The Writers Directory
It presents Alexander Hamilton's views on American economy. As the first Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton was the main author of the economic policies of the George Washington administration.