The event of Jesus resurrection is like the event of creation: There were no eye-witnesses. So how does one make sense of the story of the resurrection or rather stories, for not one but many diverse reports survive from early Christianity? Brandon Scott suggests that we must begin by erasing all Christian art about the resurrection from our memory. And then forget all the sermons we heard at Easter. The best way to understand the resurrection, he argues, is to arrange the texts chronologically and observe how the story itself developed. The Resurrection of Jesus: A Soucebook begins with just such a list, compiled with commentaries by Robert W. Funk. It proceeds to a report of the Jesus Seminar s votes on the resurrection, followed by a collection and discussion by Robert Price of resurrection stories found in the Greek culture of Jesus day, and an in-depth study by Arthur Dewey of a little-known resurrection story in the Gospel of Peter. The final essays in the volume, by Roy W. Hoover and Thomas Sheehan, explore the origins of belief in Jesus resurrection and help put the pieces back together again, in ways that make sense in the modern world.
"This compelling book is the most comprehensive defense of Jesus' resurrection anywhere. If you're interested in knowing the evidence for the resurrection and sharing it with others, then you must read this book!
I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus
This book will provide an excellent overview of and introduction to the achievements of contemporary Christology on the question of the Resurrection. Its clear, direct, and popular style will provide stimulating reading for all believers.
In this book W. Ross Hastings reveals the hidden depths of the theological significance and ongoing relevance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ for our being, our salvation, Christian life, ethics, and our future hope.
... sparks in the stubble . 8They will judge nations , and rule over peoples , and the Lord will be their king for ever . ' Those who trust in him will understand truth , and those who are loyal and faithful will remain with him in love ...
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
In clear, concise, and accessible chapters, Josh and Sean present the facts about the resurrection and what it means for readers today.
In Raised with Christ, author Adrian Warnock exhorts Christians not to neglect the resurrection in their teaching and experience. Warnock takes his cue from Acts, where every recorded sermon focuses on Jesus' resurrection.
In this book he convincingly shows that an irreducible minimum of experience underlies the New Testament account of the resurrection, however much of the details of the narrative may be open to objection.
Edited by Paul Copan and Ronald Tacelli, this is a lively and provocative debate between Christian philosopher William Lane Craig and New Testament scholar and atheist Gerd Lüdemann on the historical truth of the resurrection.