What key issues and challenges affect the lives of people with severe disabilities todayoOe1/4OCOand what should tomorrowoOe1/4Oaos professionals do to address them? Aligned with the core values and agenda of TASH, this visionary text prepares professionals to strengthen supports and services for people with disabilities across the lifespan. Readers will fully examine more than a dozen critical topics in the lives of people with severe disabilities; explore necessary reforms to policy and practice; and set clear goals and priorities for improving early intervention, education, health care, behavior supports, and social services. Whether used as a textbook or a professional reference, this innovative volume will help usher in a new era of services that support full inclusion and quality of life for people with severe disabilities. COVERS TODAYoOe1/4OaoS MOST CRITICAL TOPICS: Addressing inequities in our educational and social services system Designing and delivering effective early intervention and education Expanding and improving inclusive education Supporting families of children with severe disabilities Resolving challenges to person-centered planning and self-determination Providing effective and respectful positive behavior supports Improving access to the general curriculum Delivering effective literacy instruction to students with severe disabilities Removing barriers to friendships and social relationships Supporting students with health care needs in general education classrooms Promoting access to postsecondary education, employment, and community life Providing appropriate medical and social services to elderly individuals with severe disabilities ONLINE COMPANION MATERIALS: This book comes with online PowerPoint slides for faculty, ideal for complementing and enhancing lessons. "
Aligned with the core values and agenda of TASH, this visionary text prepares professionals to strengthen supports and services for people with disabilities across the lifespan.
Written by a seasoned educator with decades of experience training a multitude of teachers, this is the accessible, up-to-date text today's teachers need to succeed in inclusive classrooms and improve outcomes for students with moderate and ...
Serving learners from kindergarten through age 21, this field-tested curriculum is a must for professionals and parents devoted to directly preparing a student to function in the world. It examines...
"Grounded in the belief that all students can learn to read and write print, this book is a thorough yet practical guide for teaching students with significant disabilities.
A Guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education
The purpose of the Handbook of Special Education is to help profile and bring greater clarity to the already sprawling and continuously expanding field of special education.
... Eric 262(50) Luke Oil 122 Lukyanov, Anatoly 105, 124, 240(14), 258(21) Luzhkov, Yuri 181 M., Pavel 261(31) McAuley, Alastair 244(49-50), 272(27) McAuley, Mary 261(44) McFaul, Michael 261(47) macroeconomic stabilization 161-2, 164-5, ...
This fifth edition of the bestselling and highly regarded textbook on educating students with severe and multiple disabilities--newly revised, thoroughly updated, and streamlined for students--is the comprehensive resource for current and ...
The book addresses legal and resource implications, as well as parental participation in children's education.
The cost and policy implications of changing the current provision of community-based care for adults with severe disabilities are considerable and require a broad understanding of the current framework under which adults with disabilities ...