A Cat's Tale

A Cat's Tale
A Cat's Tale
Dog Ear Publishing
Troas Alexander


The moment you meet Stray, you're anxious to know what happens next. Troas Alexander has written in a sequence of events that hold the reader's attention and will have children laughing as they learn. A Cat's Tale provides a great opportunity for adults to teach children about making the right choices. This is such an entertaining way to teach moral and ethical values to children. -Loretta A. Reid, M.Ed, M.Div., D .Min, Educator and Minister Troas Alexander has the ability to make the story come alive as she describes the adventures and challenges of the main character, Stray. The author's sense of humor makes this story a fast read because it is a fun story. Troas Alexander's A Cat's Tale encourages children to form positive character - building traits by seeing the effects of the main character's negative choices. A wide array of teaching activities may be developed from this story. -Gayles E. Evans, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Facilitator, Advisor, Library Information and Media Studies, Chicago State University A Cat's Tale treats the concept of the after-life in an honest and understandable manner. This story will help children understand the necessity of making wise choices. A Cat's Tale also teaches the value of friendship, home and family. Troas Alexander has presented a story that can be used as a tool to help children learn to follow rules. - Reverend Lucille Lewis Jackson, M.A. Ed, Reading Specialist Troas Alexander's A Cat's Tale delightfully presents a lesson of responsibility and consequences parents often attempt to teach to children. I'm sure children who are read to, or even older children who can read the story independently can relate to" wanting to do what they want, regardless of others." Young children who are accustomed to animated movies with animals will be drawn in by the adventures (or rather misadventures) of this willful cat. Troas Alexander's descriptions of living in" HY-Dees" and the characters there were priceless. A Cat's Tale will cause many children to reflect on their own attitude and behavior relative to responsibility. The story brings smiles and chuckles. The characters and their names are colorfully depicted. Troas Alexander shows that lessons to be learned CAN be presented with humor and non-threateningly. Some children (and adults) have lessons to learn, particularly in today's "me" culture. - Audrey B. Gilliam, Ed. D., Elementary School Educator Troas Alexander presents a delightful, entertaining experience through A Cat's Tale. The characters are exciting, creative and realistic. The author excels in giving the reader's imagination a real workout. This story causes children to reflect upon their own views and actions relative to assuming responsibility, following rules, and treating others with respect and kindness. This is an excellent book to stimulate conversation between parent and child, as well as teacher and student. Although written for children, adults too, can relate to the sense of morality and ethics to which the book alludes. -Evonne F. Blakey, Ph.D. Professor of Early Childhood and Elementary Education (retired), Chicago State University Troas Alexander's A Cat's Tale is a story that provides suspense, laughter and sheer entertainment. The excitement builds to a shocking crescendo with the surprise ending-it catches the reader off-guard. The story is interesting, enjoyable and provokes deeper thought to one's choices and life's outcomes. With or without illustrations, I believe that children's attention and imagination will be challenged. -Reverend Esther J. Mitchell, Administrator/Principal, J.W. James Memorial Christian Academy

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