There are many challenges facing those individuals entering federal prison. These challenges are not easy, but they are controllable if you have the proper knowledge, resources, and motivation. Jail time offers solutions to the problems by providing a wealth of information to help families get through their ordeal together and get the offender back home in the shortest possible amount of time--P. [4] of cover.
Prison Crisis
Mr Maddison, It's Just Not Good Enough
In a memorandum of 3 September 1998 for the Prison Service Investigation , PO Hall , the prison's Control and Restraint Coordinator , confirmed that he had not received any control and restraint forms in relation to the removal of Sonny ...
One man's story of life in The Joy -- compulsive, chilling and frank. A no-holds-barred account of a criminal's time in the notorious Dublin prison, as revealed to journalist Paul Howard. This extraordinary life story tells it all.
Inside Out
En el vientre de la bestia: cartas desde la cárcel
Inside out: a housing guide for people in custody or prison
Perhaps Winston could be teacher's little helper? Might he and Charlie Conlon study together? 'Delighted,' said Winston. That was half my problem sorted. Winston was no Celt, he was Protestant, Charlie, Catholic.
I looked for work and in those days the best paying and most difficult to land jobs for unskilled labor were working in the paper mills . The mills were our communities claim to fame . The only way to get in was through a family member ...
Through the Eye of the Goldfish