• Provides insightful quotes from contemporary figures and primary documents ranging from Osama bin Laden's 1998 fatwa against the United States to the 2006 Iraq Study Group Report • Contains 12 biographies ranging from Osama bin Laden to George W. Bush that provide detailed background on important figures from the era • Presents a chronology of events from the 1970s to the present day, including occurrences leading to the September 11, 2001, attacks and the Iraq War • Includes a select bibliography of major works on the September 11, 2001, attacks; the war in Iraq; homeland security; and the war on terror • Contains a detailed glossary of key terms such as "Shiite" and "weapons of mass destruction"
See Patrick Porter, Military Orientalism, Hurst, 2007, for a useful discussion of the idea of Western orOriental styles of ... For an impressive andprofoundly researched history, Robert Wistrich, A Lethal Obsession: AntiSemitism from ...
This volume represents an early attempt at assessing the Long War, now in its 14th year.
We can’t allow this to be the new normal. Death of a Nation will change your view of the events of 9/11 and force you to question America’s self-appointed position as leader of the free world.
If this book assists future military and civilian decisionmakers, it will have achieved its goal. The book is divided in this manner: chapter one focuses on the early, pre-Surge years in both campaigns.
This is the full story—from 9/11 to the Obama doctrine, and including: The war in Afghanistan. There were two sides to this story, but the press told only one, and the untold story would return to haunt us. The campaign for war in Iraq.
To understand why, you'll need to know how ... - an Australian metals trader named Garry-with help from the CIA-inadvertently triggered the invasion of Iraq - coalition troops were killed by bombs made with explosives that, according to the ...
Although Jamil Ahmad's purpose in The Wandering Falcon is similar to Shamsie's, the text operates in a different way. ... the Soviet–Afghan war, through to the military operations and US drone attacks carried out in these areas today.
This collection, however, challenges the language of limitation and provides re-readings of earlier work, but also traces the emergence of a new paradigm for discussing the artistic responses to 9/11 – one that frames these narratives as ...
Douglas Kellner's Media Spectacle and the Crisis of Democracy: 9/11, the War on Iraq, and Election 2004 investigates the role of the media in the momentous political events of the past four years.
... 2001. http://www.rumsfeld.com/c25e1 2. Rumsfeld, “Force Reductions,” January 11, 2002. http://www.rumsfeld.com/c25e2 3. Rumsfeld, handwritten note, May 31, 2001. 4. Robert Kagan, “Indefensible Defense Budget,” Washington Post, ...