The rapid development of information communication technologies (ICTs) is having a profound impact across numerous aspects of social, economic, and cultural activity worldwide, and keeping pace with the associated effects, implications, opportunities, and pitfalls has been challenging to researchers in diverse realms ranging from education to competitive intelligence.
Breaking the speech barrier: Language development through augmented means. Baltimore: Brookes. Romski, M. A., Sevcik, R. A., Cheslock, M., & Barton, A. (2006). The System for Augmenting Language: AAC and emerging language intervention.
From the general perspective, the challenging issues of digital watermarking in the applications of transaction tracking for the Internet distribution ... Techniques and applications of digital watermarking and content protection.
Highlighting a range of topics such as knowledge discovery, semantic web, and information resources management, this multi-volume book is ideally designed for researchers, developers, managers, strategic planners, and advanced-level ...
A framework for analyzing the adoption of enterprise resource planning systems in Indian organizations. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Issues and trends of information technology management in contemporary organizations, Proceedings of ...
"This book presents the latest research, case studies, best practices, and methodologies within the field of IT project management, offering research from top experts around the world in a variety of IT project management applications and ...
"This reference expands the field of database technologies through four-volumes of in-depth, advanced research articles from nearly 300 of the world's leading professionals"--Provided by publisher.
The WeightVectoris an eight-digit (non-binary in general) vector that shows the security impactof each dimension. In this chapter it is assumed for ... The X.805 recommendation defines the threat vectors for each threat category.
The distributed, centralised model of project work flow implementation has been realised through the use of four ... sELF DIrEctED LEArNING cOMMUNItIEs The development of a community, centred upon online collaborative applications, ...
Although these two smaller rooms provide us with the essentials for supporting digital media tutoring (enclosed space ... Key, too, is a recognition that cutting-edge technology is not necessarily essential to conducting a successful ...
Technological interventions in early literacy. In E. Honan (Ed.), Thinking Through New Literacies for Primary and Early Years. Moorabbin, Victoria, Australia: PETAA-Hawker Brownlow. Ministerial Council on Education. (2013).