The Operations Manual for Corporations

The Operations Manual for Corporations
Business & Economics
Entrepreneur Press
Michael Spadaccini


Keep Your Corporation in Compliance It is absolutely vital that corporations honor certain legal formalities and periodic filing requirements to stay in compliance and prevent legal and tax liabilities. Experienced attorney Michael Spadaccini walks you through the vital operations needed to run a successful corporation: day-to-day management, recordkeeping, calling and conducting meetings, taking minutes, periodic reporting requirements and more. Covering the specific regulations of all 50 states plus Washington, DC, Spadaccini distills complex concepts in a clear, concise writing style to demystify the process of staying in compliance. Spadaccini covers: Expert strategies to prevent legal and tax liabilities Special sections for nonprofits and tax-exempt organizations Complete reference section with legal requirements, filing fees, and tax and maintenance requirements for all 50 states plus Washington, DC Attorney-drafted sample forms for every phase of business, from formation to operation This manual is a must-have for any corporation owner. Sample documents include: Articles of Incorporation Election by a Small-Business Corporation Application for Employer Identification Number Stock Certificate Optional Provisions for Inclusion in Articles of Incorporation Appointing Directors and Approving Bylaws Share Transfer Ledger Appointment of Proxy for Shareholder's Meeting Minutes of Annual Meeting of Shareholders Action by Written Consent of Shareholder(s) Call for Special Meeting of Directors Action Approving Stock Option Plan Action Approving Purchase of Another Corporation Action Appointing Directors to Fill Vacant Board Seats Certificate to Elect Close Corporation Status Delaware Certificate of Dissolution Conversion from California Corporation to a Delaware LLC For more than 30 years, Entrepreneur has provided the most trusted business advice available to business owners. Our legal guides continue that tradition by offering current and cost-effective legal advice so you can resolve the business and legal issues you face on a daily basis. We also help you identify when it's in your best interest to seek the personalized advice and services of a practicing lawyer.

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