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Das National Museum of Australia und die Debatte um die Darstellung der kolonialgeschichtlichen Vergangenheit Australiens
Angie Debo , “ Edward Everett Dale : The Teacher , ” in Arrell M. Gibson , ed . , Frontier Historian : The Life and Work of Edward Everett Dale ( Norman : University of Oklahoma Press , 1975 ) , pp . 26-35 ; McIntosh , " Geronimo's ...
In addition, the integrated workbook in Part Two: Doing History Workbook Exercises allows them to hone their skills with assessment exercises and skill-building assignments.
A collection of over 150 speeches reflecting a broad range of issues before the American public between 1937 and 1997, organized around sixteen interconnected themes, including civil rights, education, and war.
By contrast , Taylor is attempting a general history of the War , which is defined specifically as an ' illustrated history ' . In the Preface to his work , he describes his aim succinctly : ' In the First World War , the camera could ...
3 The continuing popularity and status of Carr's What is History ? is difficult to explain . Thus , in Myths of the English , Roy Porter , in his introduction , writes that ' the questions of historical objectivity and historical method ...
本书作者将一段几乎被遗忘的年代展现于世人眼前, 用惊人的手法揭露了曾被排斥, 遗弃的史实, 向我们展示了那些伟大历史学家在如何影响我们对历史的理解, 以及历史学在如何对 ...
Tenses in turmoil: inaug. address delivered at Rhodes univ., 25 May, 1977
Carlos Cordeiro Um percurso político: José Bruno Tavares Carreiro (1880-1957). De abnegado regenerador a autonomista pragmático . ... José Morgado Pereira Mudanças de paradigma na psiquiatria portuguesa .