This law school casebook instructs students on natural resources law and policy. The book covers a wide range of natural resources -- from forests and wildlife to oceans and rivers -- with problems exercises and case studies for students to sharpen their understanding of the issues. The book begins with an exploration of the economic, scientific, political and ethical considerations that drive natural resource policy as well as consideration of the natural resource management challenges presented by common pool resources, scientific uncertainty, mismatched scale, market failures and institutional adequacy. The book then explores these themes and explicates the basic legal regimes for a range of resources-wildlife, fisheries, water, protected lands, range, mining, and forests. The book also considers natural resource law and management on both public lands and private property, as well as in international settings.
The true economic value of protected areas, including national parks (such as the Lake District), scientific reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and natural monuments and landmarks, is often difficult to measure.
See Jones 8c Stokes (consultants), Situation Assessment Memorandumfor the Upper Klamath Basin Working Group Proposed Restoration Planning Process (Sacramento, Calif; Stokes & Jones, October 2001). 54. On endangered fish recovery in a ...
Environmental Law Handbook: Planning and Land Use in New South Wales
Earth's Natural Resources Anthea Maton, Prentice-Hall Staff. i NOW YOU CAN CHOOSE THE PERFECT FIT FOR ALL YOUR.
To obtain permission ( s ) to use material from this work , please submit a written request to Pearson Education , Inc. , Permissions Department , 1900 E. Lake Ave. , Glenview , IL 60025 . For information regarding permissions ...
Save Our Earth is a Persuasive text covering Science, Geography and PSHE and Citizenship themes for Year 4. It is part of Four Corners, the most visually compelling series of cross-curricular books to motivate all readers from 4 to 11.
Save Our Earth
This is a guide to making the United States environmentally sustainable.
The Local Socio-economic Values of the Menindee Lakes System: A Report to the Menindee Lakes Ecologically Sustainable Development Project Steering...
The Non-indigenous Cultural Heritage Values of the Menindee Lakes Area: A Report to the Menindee Lakes Ecologically Sustainable Development Project...