Highly acclaimed as both a supplemental text and a law student self-help aid, Federal Income Taxation focuses on the conceptual aspects of federal income tax to improve student understanding of this complex subject. Designed to help students quickly pull together the entire subject area for end-of-semester review, the textbook provides a sense of perspective about where a topic fits within the federal income tax scheme. While the present income tax is the main object of interest in this book, Federal Income Taxation also includes an explanation of the often-discussed consumption tax concept and contrasts the two in a note at the end of the volume.
Taxation for Decis. Makers 13 Edition
Taxation for Decision Makers
1995 Income Tax Fundamentals
Income Tax Fundamentals, 1992
Abridged version of: West's federal taxation : individual income taxes, and West's federal taxation : corporations, partnerships, estates, and trusts.
An edited version of the first two WFT textbooks, this book offers a thorough and balanced treatment of relevant tax codes and regulations as applied to individuals and corporations.
WEST FEDERAL TAXATION: INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAXES, 2007 EDITION is accessible, comprehensive, and authoritative in its coverage of the Tax Code and regulations pertaining to the individual taxpayer.
Discover the study tools and resources to master individual income tax concepts and succeed in class with this edition's complete Study Guide.
[The book] is an abridged version of West's Federal Taxation: Individual Income Taxes and West's Federal Taxation: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts .
West Federal Taxation: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates, and Trusts