Now includes a subscription to NSSWM online (the fiction section of For 28 years, Novel & Short Story Writer's Market has been the only resource of its kind exclusively for fiction writers. Anyone who is writing novels and/or storiesâ€"whether romance or literary, horror or graphic novelâ€"needs this resource to help them prepare their submissions and sell their work. You'll have access to listings for over 1,100 book publishers, magazines, literary agents, writing contests and conferences, each containing current contact information, editorial needs, schedules and guidelines that save writers time and take the guesswork out of the submission process. NSSWM includes more than 100 pages of listings for literary journals alone and another 100 pages of book publishers (easily four times as many markets for fiction writers as Writer's Market offers). It also features over a 100 pages of original content: interviews with working editors and writers, how-tos on the craft of fiction, and articles on the business of getting published.
TOM HOWARD/JOHN H. REID SHORT STORY CONTEST Tom Howard Books, Mail to: Winning Writers, 351 Pleasant St., PMB 222, ... “Established in 1993, this award honors the best short stories, essays and other works of prose being written today.
1993. Circ. 500. NEEDS ethnic/multicultural (general), experimental, literary, mainstream, translations. Does not want genre fiction or “lessons of morality; 'idea' driven stories usually do not work.” Receives 50-75 mss/month.
“Free Flash Fiction accepts flash fiction pieces that are between 200 and 1,000 words. ... 1993. FreeXpresSion, published monthly, contains “creative writing, how-to articles, short stories, and poetry including cinquain, haiku, etc., ...
Our other two main areas of interest are children's books and narrative nonfiction. ... by John Scalzi (Tor Books); General Winston's Daughter, by Sharon Shinn (Ace Books); Dead Sexy, by Amanda Ashley (Kensington); A Kitten Tale, ...
This must-have guide includes listings for over 1,300 book publishers, magazines, literary agents, writing contests and conferences, each containing current contact information, editorial needs, schedules and guidelines that save you time ...
1993. Offered annually since 1993 for unpublished work to recognize and promote long short stories of 8,000-14,000 words (about 30-50 pages). Sample of previous winner: $6.95, including postage. Open to any writer, no restrictions on ...
2003 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market
The Best Resource Available for Getting Your Fiction Published! The 2013 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market is the best resource available for fiction writers to get their short stories, novellas, and novels published.
specializes in all kinds of children's books– illustrators and authors, 98% juvenile books. Considers: nonfiction, fiction, picture books, young adult. How To contact writers should review the large agent bioson the agency website to ...
BIRCH BROOK PRESS P.O. Box 81, Delhi NY 13753. Fax: (607)746-7453. Website: Contact: Tom Tolnay, publisher. Estab. 1982. Small publisher of popular culture and literary titles in mostly handcrafted letterpress ...