DIVFocusing on a subject that has been covered by various national media, including the Wall Street Journal, 60 Minutes, and Nightline, Standing With Israel goes beyond politics to: •Profile leading Christian Zionists and detail the views and motives that drive their politics. •Spotlight Jews who have been at the forefront of forming a budding alliance with Israel’s Christian allies. •Explain why so many American Jews are deeply uncomfortable with this outpouring of Christian support. /div
Disc contains: a 27 minute version and Trailer - "Obsession is a film about the threat of Radical Islam to Western Civilizations."
In short, the cause for the rupture is not what Israel is; it’s what Israel does. These explanations tell only half the story.
This collection of published writings by an author with a distinguished legal career and a wide-ranging background of involvement in Jewish policy, cultural, and historical organizations boldly suggests that Israel declare sovereignty over ...
DIV We Too Stand seeks to enlighten and educate African American churches and communities across the country about the importance of supporting Israel. /div
Washington Post, February 24, 2009, A13; Jeffrey Goldberg, “The Lieberman Disaster,” Atlantic, March 17, 2009. Thomas L. Friedman, “Reality Check,” New York Times, December 12, 2010, 8; Jeffrey Goldberg. “How Iran Could Save The Middle ...
... That Saddam's Got to Go,” Wall Street Journal, September 10, 2002; John O'Sullivan, “Chamberlain Deserves an Apology: Scowcroft, Hagel, and Raines Are No Chamberlains,” National Review Online, September 3, 2002; “This Is Opposition?
Ari Shavit, My Promised Land (New York, NY: Spiegel and Grau, 2013), 107, 116–17. Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 426. Morris, 1948, 289. Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 427.
Lebanese Christian Tony Maalouf contends that this perspective differs dramatically from the biblical portrayal of Ishmael and the nations that have sprung from him.
This is a constructive and positive activity that not only relates to what has been and what currently exists, but mainly turns its face to the future with the goal of rectifying and healing reality.
Walking Israel is packed with hilarious moments, historical insights, emotional, true-life tales, and, above all, great storytelling.